Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Dry Start to 2025

The wet weather that Northern California experienced in late December of 2024 has flipped to dry in 2025. Mornings have been a bit frigid with a frost delay here and there, but with the absence of rain and occasional gusts of wind, the golf course has dried out and is playing winter fast and firm in most areas. The long tree shadows of winter keep some areas shady and therefore wet from December's rain, but we are getting one those Januarys where cold mornings and sunny temperate afternoons create good conditions for winter golf. These conditions are good for getting things done on the golf course as well as turf is not growing and we are not having to irrigate so can easily allocate resources to projects from our GBGC Master Improvement Plan. 

On that note, the week of January 20th GCM plans to start a multi-week project on the right hand side of #2 cart path near the green. We need to replace the curbing in this area that was damaged during the 2021 renovation. Additionally we want to do some irrigation retrofitting and some sod work. When doing this work, we plan on occasionally re-routing Member cart traffic in front of the green to the left had side, then over to a forward position on #3 tee. This occasional detour will start Wednesday 1/22/25 after the MLK Holiday along with back nine starts with the hope of  creating less inconvenience to the Member during our activities in the area. We estimate this work will take us through the first part of February. 

Above shows the damaged curb and the area we plan to start working on the week of January 20th. 

The detour will be delineated by simple cart directional signs. Cart path will be coned off at this juncture and the detour will be pretty hard to miss.

The forward location of #3 tee wont be much different for the pebble tees (green) but clubs will be paired with the pebbles and Granite's and Tournaments will be paired as well at about 25 to 30 yards shorter then their normal placements. 

Granite and Tournament tee markers will again  occasionally be located around the 136 yard marker on #3 when we detour cart traffic around the left hand side of #2 green during some repair and retrofitting work on the right hand side of #2.

Recent Birds of Granite Bay Golf Club

Granite Bays resident bird expert, Michele McCormick was out on the course when we were closed on Tuesday 1/21/25 and shared that she has been sighting some rare birds for our property that are starting to make GBGC their home we hope. Below are some stunning examples of Michele's work right here at GBGC.


Great Blue Heron


GBGC's Mute Swan returning for a third season.

Ring Necked Duck

Brand New to GBGC American Wigeon

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